Why Everyone Should Advocate for Autism Acceptance

As the parent of an autistic child, one of the first things I learned was how to become an advocate. The number of autism awareness campaigns and resources available is growing every year, but many parents find themselves lost in the shuffle as they try to learn everything they can about the disorder. Today, I want to talk about why everyone should advocate for autism acceptance rather than just autism awareness, and what you can do in your own life to help improve the lives of individuals with autism. Let’s get started!

What is Autism?

Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects how people interact with the world. It is a spectrum condition, so it affects each person differently and to different degrees. For some people, autism can mean they need a lot of support from their carers and families to live an independent life, but others may need less support. Autistic people will typically have difficulties in three main areas: social communication skills (e.g. understanding non-verbal cues), social interaction skills (e.g.

The Statistics

1. Autism is the fastest growing developmental disability, affecting 1 in 68 children. 

2. Approximately 1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). 

3. ASD is 4 times more likely to happen in boys than girls 

4. Diagnoses of ASD increased by 78% from 2000-2010 

5. ASD cannot be cured but symptoms can be improved through specialized therapy and education programs

How to be an Advocate

There are so many amazing organizations that work to advocate for autism acceptance. The easiest way to get involved is by donating to a cause you believe in, and by joining the conversation on social media. You can also take a stand against bullying, which is a major problem in many schools and communities. There are many other ways that people advocate for autism acceptance every day- find your own way!

Ways to Speak Out Without Speaking Out

1. Educate yourself about autism. 

2. Be aware of the words you use to describe people on the spectrum. 2. Confront derogatory language when you hear it in person or online, and explain why such language is not acceptable. 3. Spread awareness by telling your friends, family members, and co-workers about how autistic people can face many challenges that are different from one another and how understanding them will help break down barriers in society as a whole. 4.

Where We Can Go From Here

There are many ways you can advocate for autism acceptance. If you’re not sure where to start, try talking to a loved one who has a child with autism. They will appreciate your support and may be able to point you in the right direction. A great place to go is the website of any national autism society, like the National Autistic Society in England or Autism Speaks in America. You’ll find resources there and also information on how to get involved as an autistic person or supporter of autistic people’s rights.

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