The Top 5 Books on Autism

Books about autism, written by people on the autism spectrum, parents of children on the autism spectrum, and therapists who work with people on the autism spectrum are often the most insightful reads on all things autism. Here’s my list of top 5 books on autism that I’ve come across in my own journey with autism, along with my ratings of each book.

1. Thinking in Pictures by Temple Grandin

Dr. Temple Grandin’s autobiography is one of the best books I’ve read to get a glimpse into the world of autism. She talks about her life and how she was able to succeed despite her lack of social skills and more intense sensory sensitivities. I think this book is very accessible for people who are unfamiliar with autism because it’s written in an engaging way and Dr. Grandin shares so many personal anecdotes from her childhood.

2. Islands in the Stream by Dr. Oliver Sacks

This book is written as a memoir of Dr. Oliver Sacks, a neurologist who has written extensively about neurological disorders. This book follows his time in the 1960s and 1970s teaching at UCLA and working at San Francisco General Hospital. The writing style is conversational and engaging, making the reading experience enjoyable. In this account, he discusses many of his patients with autism and other neurological disorders, including their symptoms and treatments.

3. Rain Man by Dr. Barry M. Prizant

Rain Man is one of the most popular books on autism. Written by Dr. Barry M. Prizant, a well-known researcher in the field of autism, this book is a must read for anyone who wants to learn more about how autistic people think and behave.

4. Making Peace with Autism by Eileen Riley-Hall

Eileen Riley-Hall’s memoir is a must read for all parents of children with autism. One of the things she discusses in her book is finding the balance between wanting to protect your child and understanding that you can’t always do that. She also talks about what it is like to be autistic, so we can better understand how our children are feeling.

5. My Brother Charlie by Richard Hoyt

My Brother Charlie is a good book to read if you are looking for a memoir of someone who lives with autism. The book is written by Richard Hoyt, the older brother of Charlie, who was diagnosed with autism in 1963 at the age of three. At first it is hard for him to understand what his autistic brother needs. He tries to correct his behavior and make him more social, but eventually he realizes that he has to let him be himself and support him.

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